Financial Servicesstartups

Using Pay Stubs to Your Advantage

Using Pay Stubs to Your Advantage

When running a small business, you are more than likely familiar with making your own pay stubs and how easy this can be. You may be aware of how to access pay stubs and how to use these generators. However, there may be things you are not fully aware of and how you can make these websites work for you. 

There are some simple things you can do to speed up this already fast process and make this task a little easier each time you generate your employees’ pay stubs.

Copy and Paste

When you are making pay stubs each pay period for the same people, one of the best things you can do to speed up the process is to keep the information that will not change, names, addresses, and relevant company information in a document that you have access to. Once you have this document created, all you will need to do is copy and paste the information into the software. Saving you a lot of typing and time.

Being able to have all of the information on hand for a quicker process of transferring information will save you so much time when you are creating paystubs for the whole company. Remember, if you get a new employee or something changes update your documents as soon as possible so you do not have to worry about this when it comes to creating new pay stubs.

Organize Your Emails

As a person who runs a company, you will receive emails regularly, probably multiple per day. One of the best ways to make sure you know where to find the pay stubs you are making for your employees and your own would be to create a folder within your email box so your pay stubs and company pay stubs will automatically go there. 

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Saving you time from searching through your emails to find this month’s pay stubs and then forwarding them on. Having a folder within your emails will also give you a space to safely keep your pay stubs for future records, whether for the company or yourself. 


Most pay stub generators do allow you to personalize the pay stubs you create by adding a company logo or match the colors to your company. A good idea when creating pay stubs for your employees and maybe for contractors would be to have two separate templates. This would be best if using the same website each time, as you may be able to save this to your account with the company. 

However, if you choose to change websites regularly, whether for different offers or other reasons, you could add the color and personalization options you use for the different types of pay stubs onto the document mentioned earlier. This would also allow you to hand over information to a business partner to generate pay stubs for the company and any contractors while you are on holiday or in need of a break. Having all the necessary information in one place will not only save you time but will make passing any necessary information to someone much easier; you will not need to share all company information to delegate this task.

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