
When it's the issue, not those issuing it

Abhishek Banerjee is general secretary of Trinamool Congress (and West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee‘s nephew). More well-known nationwide is Vivek Agnihotri, maker of films that notably include The Kashmir Files. In terms of plain old ‘Which side of the political naala do you fall on?’ the two are on opposite, even antagonistic camps. Banerjee makes a living by vilifying BJP and the central government. Agnihotri is unbridled about his support for the ruling dispensation. Yet, both men have, in no uncertain terms – as a habit, neither speaks uncertainly – supported the idea of making it legal for persons of the same gender to marry. This meeting of otherwise opposing and opposite minds has surprised many. It shouldn’t.

We have become so inured to taking sides on issues according to who supports and opposes them, that the issue itself is hardly scrutinised. If your opponent says the sun shines during the day and the moon is up at night, then by the whiskers of Kurvi-Tasch, you’ll go with night sunshine and day moonlight! No need to put your head out of the window and check what the sky says. Banerjee and Agnihotri – by agreeing on a contentious issue and, thereby, leaving people on ‘both sides’ confused – have forced focus on the issue itself. A sign that people may start thinking with their own heads?

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