
When Holi comes

Once a year, we observe Holi, the festival of colours, painting ourselves and each other with bright colours. Once a year, we celebrate Deepavali, the festival of lights, and light many lamps in the darkness. But our life is dry and dull; and it is just because this is so we have had to create festivals.

The birds, beasts, plants, rivers, waterfalls – they have neither Holi nor Deepavali. It is because we are sick that we are satisfied with just one Deepavali, just a consolation – and then we return to the same gloominess, the same prison, misery, anxiety.

When Holi comes, we sing and dance, we throw all our morality, rules and etiquette to the winds, breaking all disciplines. But do you think that a river that flows for one day of the year is going to reach the ocean? Look at nature: there is existence enjoying Holi and Deepavali daily. In Nature, the colours flow afresh and new flowers open each morning. Before the old leaves fall, new buds burst out and new shoots spring up.

The festival is non-stop. Such will be the life of a religious person. He will be festive each moment – he is grateful that he is. His every breath is an expression of gratitude and benediction. And this is a byproduct of witnessing… means seeing from a distance whatever is happening…. The day you begin to see that you are beyond all that which is surrounding you each moment, you have transcended.

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Abridged from ‘Nowhere To Go But In’, courtesy Osho International Foundation, www.osho.com


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