
What is a hazard warning line road marking and what does it mean?

WHEN travelling on the road, it is important to know the importance of the road markings you are likely to find over the course of your journey.

Here, we take a closer look at what a hazard warning line is and what they mean.

Hazard warning lines are longer broken white lines


Hazard warning lines are longer broken white linesCredit: Alamy

What is a hazard warning line road marking?

Hazard warning lines are longer broken white lines.

This is when the line lengthens and the gaps between them shorten.

These appear in the middle of the road, separating the left and right lanes.

These marks will be longer than your typical lane white line.

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These are broken white lines and they mark the centre of the road.

You can also have double white lines where the nearest line to you is broken.

This means you can cross the lines to overtake provided it is safe and you can complete the manoeuvre before reaching a solid white line on your side.

White arrows can also be used to indicate that you need to get back onto your side of the road.

If there is a double white line and the one nearest to you is solid then you mustn’t cross or straddle it unless it is safe to do so and you need to join an adjoining premises on the other side of the road.

You can cross the line if necessary, providing the road is clear, to pass a stationary vehicle, overtake a cyclist, horse or road maintenance vehicle.

What does it mean when a hazard warning line road marking appears?

A hazard warning line means there is a hazard ahead and you should not cross or straddle it.

Hazard warning lines can come in many different forms and can be used in various ways.

For example, a hazard warning line can indicate an approach of a sharp bend.

Can I cross a hazard warning line road marking?

You should never cross a hazard warning line unless you are certain it is safe to cross.

If you see a hazard warning line, you should take all precautions possible to avoid the hazard.

This may include slowing your speed and potentially manoeuvring around the hazard.


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