
What Are Facebook Broadcast Channels and Why Should You Care? –

New features to the broadcast channel tool are being tested and are expected to be rolled out in due course. This include collaborators, which enable creators to invite other creators (or fans) to participate in their broadcast channel.

Is It Overkill for Meta’s Social Media Family?

Whilst the news has been welcomed with open arms by brands and creators which have had success engaging more deeply with their followers on Instagram and WhatsApp, some are skeptical it was necessary to roll out the same feature across all of Meta’s platforms. In short, the feature isn’t exactly new – it’s just new for Facebook.

One Facebook user gained 227 Likes (at the time of writing) by simply commenting on Zuckerberg’s post: “I miss how each app used to be unique.”

The additional notifications are a potential cause for concern, and might limit the number of channels one user can actually manage to keep up with. It’s not known why Meta didn’t introduce broadcast channels as a cross-platform feature to begin with, to avoid users doubling up on the same content across multiple apps and accounts.

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