Flying cars might not yet be mainstream, but as developments in the electric and autonomous vehicle industries are making progress globally, the future of driving is set to look very different.
But what if cars of the future could feel like an extension of the living room? Cars with autonomous qualities exist today, with hands-free steering wheels and advanced hazard perception. By 2030, completely autonomous vehicles could be making their way to people’s homes, drastically changing the future of driving.
Summoning an autonomous vehicle to precise locations will take whistling the dog to a whole new level, as cars will be able to respond to a demand and arrive exactly when and where they are told without needing a driver. This presents opportunities for even more emerging technology, such as types of quantum sensors known as atomic clocks, that use connection to satellites around the planet and latency calculations to position themselves in precise locations within just centimeters of accuracy.
Electric cars are already providing exciting new driving experiences, and this will only get better with the introduction of autonomous vehicles in the future. Journeys will be something to get excited about as an opportunity to relax and recharge while traveling to a desired destination. The safety features and entertainment possibilities within these future vehicles ensure that cars will be a place for every passenger to feel comfortable and secure.