“It has been observed that two fake groups are circulating messages about misleading and misrepresenting schemes under the name of UTI Mutual Fund on the instant messaging social media app ‘Telegram’. The fake groups, both called ‘UTI MUTUAL FUND’ appear to be formed by the phone number +91-8233546877 with the person falsely posing as a fund manager and claiming to be an advisor to the members,” said the fund house in a communication.
The fund house said that investors should refrain from giving out any important information relevant to their investments, bank accounts etc over instant messaging or calls. They also have asked investors to report the above mentioned numbers to the Telegram app.
“We would like to inform the public in general that UTI Mutual Fund and UTI Asset Management Company Limited are in no way associated with this fake group/communication channel and shall not be held liable for any losses whatsoever; and we condemn this act of defrauding investors. We advise the investors to report the aforementioned group and channel on the Telegram app and to stay vigilant of such scams,” the fund house said.
The fund house also said that investors should visit the UTI MF website or contact UTI AMC officials on 022-66786666 for any information on our products and services.