
Tightrope for promoters: Sebi's new rules on disclosing internal agreements

This move is aimed to tackle situations, for instance, where promoters have not disclosed agreements having a significant impact on management or control of the company.

This would mitigate information asymmetry, promote transparency, and prevent unfair practices. This reform is also in line with the market regulator’s vision to make the Indian market a template for other markets to follow.

Before this amendment, the listed entities were obligated to disclose specific binding agreements, such as shareholders, joint ventures, and relevant family settlement agreements, if they had an impact on the management and control of the entity and were binding on the listed entity. However, now agreements in the normal course of business are also required to be disclosed. Interestingly, it seems that now the scope of disclosure has been expanded to even encompass agreements that are not binding between the parties.

This amendment may lead to the disclosure of pacts entered between promoters’ families e.g. family charter/constitution documents or MoUs that provide a framework amongst family members to establish governance principles for future generations in relation to the business of listed entities, such as decision-making in relation to certain matters of the listed entity, succession of business to next generation,

voting agreements etc. It would be a tightrope for the promoters’ family to walk, where they would need to disclose their internal affairs impacting management or control of the listed entity to the public at large.

Going forward, the promoter’s family should be cognizant of these stringent yet transparent disclosure requirements while entering any deal or pact with any party which could potentially impact the listed entity. Usually, promoters’ family enters into pacts to ensure operations of the listed entity is not affected due to difference in views amongst family members, smooth transitioning of the succession of business etc.

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This being a private and confidential pact amongst families, there could be reluctance from promoters to disclose such an agreement. These norms may also bring reluctance for some promoters to enter into such family pacts, which otherwise could impact the listed company in the long run as there is no pact between the family members, and they may not act in one voice. Other examples could be arrangements that PE investors and promoters may have between themselves or with key employees about exit scenarios, which would then need to be disclosed if they impose restrictions or liabilities on the listed entities.

As per the directions, even existing agreements in effect at the time of this notification are required to be disclosed. The listed entity must be informed about these agreements by July 31, 2023, and subsequently, the entity is obligated to disclose them to the stock exchanges and on its website by August 14, 2023. The listed entity is also required to disclose the number of such subsisting agreements, along with salient features and complete details of such agreements in its annual report for FY23 or FY24, as may be applicable.

Sebi has also provided a clear framework for the information that needs to be disclosed regarding such agreements. This includes details about the parties involved, their relationship with the listed entity, the agreement’s date and purpose, important terms, how it affects management or control of the listed entity and quantification of any specific restrictions or liabilities imposed on the listed entity.

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Hence, it would be critical for the promoters and the listed companies to holistically evaluate all such pacts that are in effect and define the approach for the disclosure thereof. By proactively making the necessary disclosures, they can mitigate the risk of facing regulatory actions and maintain a transparent and compliant approach within the regulatory framework.

(Mehul Bheda is Partner at Nitin Bohra, Associate Partner & Drishti Kankariya, Principal)


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