
The bridge of love

Children, it is heartfelt service that sustains this creation. If mankind serves Nature selflessly, Nature will serve us in return. If we lovingly serve plants and animals, they will lovingly serve us as well. We expect the proper amount of rain, and sunshine at the proper time. Yet, we are not interested in protecting our forests and mountains. We long for clean water. At the same time, we pollute our lakes and rivers. Only when we coexist with love, trust, mutual respect and an attitude of service can we achieve success and peace in life. Whenever we forget this, Nature will lash back at us.

Whether it is a family, a community or a nation, we want all the members to function in harmony. In order for this harmony to arise, the members should construct a ‘bridge of love’ between one another by serving each other. Our fields of service may differ, but our goal should always be service from the heart.

Service is a principle that should become part and parcel of our lives. The centre of selfless service is love. Love and service are not two; they are eternally united like a flower and its fragrance. Amma knows it is not easy to serve others selflessly, but we must try.

Selfless service is the doorway to inner beauty. It gradually obliterates the ego, allowing us to merge into the bliss of God.


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