
Takano Announces $15 Million Federal Grant for Riverside Rail … – The Rafu Shimpo

RIVERSIDE — Rep. Mark Takano (D-Riverside) on June 9 announced the allocation of $15 million in Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act funding to the City of Riverside for the Third Street Grade Separation Project.

Rep. Mark Takano and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg

This funding will be distributed as a part of the newly created Federal Railroad Administration’s Railroad Crossing Elimination Program, which aims to eliminate potential risks and enhance transportation efficiency across the nation. Takano voted for this historic investment of the nation’s infrastructure in November 2021 and President Biden signed it into law. 

“The $15 million grant awarded to the City of Riverside will play a pivotal role in bringing this vision to life, ensuring a safer and more efficient transportation network for the residents and businesses of Riverside,” said Takano. “I’m thrilled by the FRA’s recognition of the importance of this project and their investment in its success.”

“Every year, commuters, residents, and first responders lose valuable time waiting at blocked railroad crossings—and worse, those crossings are too often the site of collisions that could be prevented,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. “As part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, we’re improving rail crossings in communities across the country to save lives, time, and resources for American families.”

The Third Street Grade Separation Project will construct a four-lane underpass accompanied by realigning three mainline BNSF tracks to improve train speeds. This critical infrastructure upgrade will significantly enhance safety measures and alleviate traffic congestion in the area. The BNSF mainline currently carries an average of 86 trains daily, consisting of 66 freight trains and 20 Amtrak and commuter passenger trains.

The Railroad Crossing Elimination (RCE) Program, authorized in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), focuses on improving the safety and mobility of people and goods through highway-rail and pathway-rail grade crossing improvement projects. The program aims to eliminate potential risks and enhance transportation efficiency across the nation.


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