personal finance

Special FD offering 8.05% interest to end on November 30, 2024: Last chance to book fixed deposit at high rate

The Indian Bank’s special fixed deposit offering high interest rates of 8.05% will end on November 30, 2024, according to the bank’s website. Investors have a few days left to earn high interest rates on special FDs offered by the Indian Bank. Indian Bank offers fixed deposit interest rates between 2.80% to 7.10% (without special FDs) on tenures ranging from 7 days to 10 years for general citizens.

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According to the Indian Bank’s website, “Special Retail Term Deposit Product “IND SUPREME 300 DAYS” offering attractive rate of interest for investment starting from Rs.5000 to less than * Rs 3 Crore for 300 days in the form of FD/MMD with callable options.”

Public 7.05%
Senior Citizen 7.55%
Super Senior Citizen 7.80%

According to the Indian Bank’s website, “Special Retail Term Deposit Product “IND SUPER 400 DAYS”, offering higher rate of interest for investment starting from Rs.10000 to less than Rs *3 Crore for 400 days in the form of FD/MMD with callable options.”

ND SUPER 400 DAYS -Rate of Interest (% p.a)
Rate of Interest (% p.a) w.e.f 03.10.2024
Public 7.30%
Senior Citizen 7.80%
Super Senior Citizen 8.05%

Latest Indian Bank FD interest rates

Period / Tenor of Deposit Less than Rs.3 crore
Revised Rate
(% per annum )
7 days to 14 days 2.8
15 days to 29 days 2.8
30 days to 45 days 3
46 days to 90 days 3.25
91 days to 120 days 3.5
121 days to 180 days 3.85
181 days to less than 9 months 4.5
9 months to less than 1 year other than 300 Days. 4.75
300 days (Ind Supreme Product) 7.05*
*Valid up to 30.11.2024
1 year 6.1
400 days (Ind Super Product) 7.30*
*W.e.f 03.10.2024 and valid up to 30.11.2024
Above 1 year to less than 2 years other than 400 days 7.1
2 years to less than 3 years 6.7
3 years to less than 5 years 6.25
5 year 6.25
Above 5 years 6.1

Source: Bank website

Senior citizens
As per the bank’s website, “Senior Citizen Accounts: For Domestic Term Deposit for Senior Citizens, additional rate of interest payable would be 0.50% p.a. for amount up to ?10 crore. The additional rate would be offered on deposits of 15 days to 10 years over the card rate in respect of Short Term Deposits, Fixed Deposits and Money Multiplier Deposit Schemes.”
Special offer for Senior Citizens (Aged 60 years & above).

“An additional 0.25% higher rate of interest over & above the additional rate that is presently being offered for normal Senior Citizen on Term Deposit (0.50+0.25 = 0.75) for deposit bucket “above 5 Years up to 10 Years”.

What is the last date to invest in Indian Bank special FDs
The last date to avail higher interest rate on special fixed deposits is November 30, 2024, according to the bank website.


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