
Science & Tech dept joins hands with ISRO to study migration of rivers – Millennium Post

Kolkata: The state Science and Technology and Biotechnology department has joined hands with ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) for conducting a scientific study for assessment of the various factors that lead to migration of rivers. The programme, funded by the department for the first time, will be jointly carried out with the Regional Remote Sensing Centre–East.

The study assumes significance in the backdrop of the tragic incident in October 2022 when a flash flood hit Mal River in Jalpaiguri’s Malbazar that washed away eight persons.

In October 2023 in Sikkim, the South Lhonak Lake in North Sikkim breached causing a Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) in Chungthang that witnessed the loss of around 40 lives.

“We have recently signed an MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) with ISRO for a two-year project for a detailed study of rivers flowing through the Alluvial Gangetic Plain, the Himalayan foothill region as well as coastal plains. It will take into account the various factors leading to changes in river migration that includes climatic, neo-tectonic or anthropogenic or any other external factor,” a senior official of the department saud.

Talking about some significant changes in river migration in the state, the official pointed out that recently it has been found that Jalangi River in Murshidabad has become bereft of water as the primary course of the Ganga River which feeds the Jalangi, has migrated towards Bangladesh.

The study report will be submitted to the Irrigation and Waterways and Disaster Management departments of the state government so that effective measures can be taken to tackle such problems from the perspective of natural disasters.

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