
Schimming tells Wisconsin GOP activists party will focus on ballot … –

Republican Party of Wisconsin Chair Brian Schimming pledged the party will focus on ballot security and voting early, arguing the party is “not flat on its back.”

Schimming at the GOP state convention today said those who think Republicans are going into the next election disadvantaged don’t know what they’re talking about. 

Pointing to Republicans flipping the 3rd CD and reelecting every congressional incumbent, he quipped: “And who knew we’re flat on our back?”

“There will be a history book written on what’s going to happen in Wisconsin in the next year and half,” he said, referencing to the national convention in Milwaukee and 2024 races for president and U.S. Senate.

He also noted how much campaign funding incumbents were up against last year. “Ron Johnson wasn’t supposed to be here,” he said.

To keep electing GOP candidates, Schimming said party members will need to start engaging young voters, vote early and continue focusing on ballot security. 

Most young voters who pick a party before they turn 24 keep that allegiance for the rest of their lives, and Republicans need to capitalize on that, he said. 

“Whether it’s on campuses, or tech schools or workplaces, we’ve got to go get that vote, and stop pretending or hoping they’ll come to us,” he said. 

That also means engaging in voter registration and with communities some Republicans may have ignored in the past, such as Latino and African American voters. 

“We’re going to go do it, not only because we have to win, because we have to govern in this country,” he said. 

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