Seven of the top Artificial Intelligence companies in the United States have committed to keeping safety and security in mind as they continue to develop AI technology.

President Biden was joined by the seven companies- Amazon, Anthropic, Google, Inflection, Meta, Microsoft, and OpenAI- during a briefing at the White House Friday.

“Artificial intelligence promises an enormous, enormous promise of both risk to our society and our economy and our national security but also incredible opportunities,” said Mr. Biden.

Here is a breakdown of the companies’ three-part commitment:

1. Ensuring products are safe before introducing them to the public

  • Internal and external testing by independent experts to guard against biosecurity and cybersecurity risks
  • Sharing information across the industry with governments, society, and academia on managing AI risks

2. Putting security first

  • Investing in cybersecurity and insider threat safeguards to protect sensitive systems
  • Facilitating third-party discovery and reporting of AI system vulnerabilities

3. Earning the public’s trust

  • Developing mechanisms, such as a watermarking system, to ensure users know when content is AI generated
  • Publicly reporting AI system capabilities, limitations, and appropriate versus inappropriate use
  • Prioritizing research on the societal risks that AI systems pose -Develop and deploy advanced AI systems to address society’s greatest challenges

“Realizing the promise of AI by managing the risk is going to require some new laws, regulations and oversight,” said Biden. “In the weeks ahead I’m going to continue to take executive action to help America lead the way towards responsible innovation. And we’re going to work with both parties to develop appropriate legislation and regulation.”

Biden did not detail any executive action he might take, but urged Congress to act quickly as well.