
Right to Judge

I would ask one simple question of those who would make the intellectual mind the standard and judge of spiritual experience. Is the Divine something less than Mind or is it something greater? Is mental consciousness with its groping enquiry, endless argument, unquenchable doubt, stiff and unplastic logic something superior or even equal to the Divine Consciousness, or is it something inferior in its action and status?

If it is greater, then there is no reason to seek after the Divine. If it is equal, then spiritual experience is quite superfluous. But if it is inferior, how can it challenge, judge, make the Divine stand as an accused or a witness before its tribunal, summon it to appear as a candidate for admission before a board of examiners?

This does not mean that Mind has no place at all in the spiritual life. Mind must learn from the greater consciousness it is approaching and not impose its own standards on it. It has to receive illumination, open to a Higher Truth, admit a greater power that doesn’t work according to mental canons, surrender itself and allow its half-light half-darkness to be flooded from above till where it was blind it can see, where it was deaf it can hear, where it was insensible it can feel and where it was baffled, uncertain, questioning and disappointed, it can give joy, fulfilment, certitude and peace.


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