Alan Lessoff, HIS, coauthored an obituary for Lee Beier in the American Historical Association’s Perspectives.
Stephen Mujeye, TEC, coauthored “Knowledge and Skill Retention in Introduction to Programming Course” in Association for Computer Machinery and authored “An analysis of differences in behaviors and practices of security-conscious users and regular users on mobile devices” in Information and Computer Security.
Liz Sattler, KNR, coauthored “Driving female student attendance at Sizable State University” in Case Studies in Sport Management and “A ‘toxic culture’: the experiences of underrepresented ticket sales employees across professional sport” in International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship.
Eric Kramer, KNR, authored “Analyzing College Choice Amongst NCAA Division II Transfer and Non-Transfer Athletes” in the Journal of Athlete Development and Experience.
Brent Teasdale, CJS, coauthored “Risk factors for experiencing gender-based violence across racial groups” and “Recurring victimization and same-sex attraction” in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence and “Risk and Danger among the “Invisible”: Bisexual IPV Victimization, Lifestyle Factors, and Feelings of Marginalization” in Victims and Offenders.
Abdelmounaam Rezgui, IT, coauthored “A Decentralized Blockchain-based Authentication Scheme for Cross-communication in IoT Networks” in Cluster Computing.
Dawn Beichner-Thomas and Mijin Kim, CJS, coauthored “Incarcerated in a Pandemic: How COVID-19 Exacerbated the ‘Pains of Imprisonment’” in Criminal Justice Review. Dawn Beichner-Thomas also coauthored “A Thematic Analysis of Parenting Experiences of Women in Prison” in Journal of Qualitative Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Jin Park, KNR, coauthored “Understanding Sources of Support for Career Development: Lived Experiences of NCAA Division I Female Intercollegiate Athletes in Higher Education” in International Journal of Sport Management.
Elke Altenburger, Connie Dyar, Keri Edwards, and Gabriela Fonseca Pereira, FCS, coauthored “Anticipated Satisfaction of Technologies in the Holmes and Lives of Older Adults to Prolong Independence” in Online Journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine.
Charles Bell, CJS, coauthored “Suspended, restrained, and secluded: Exploring the relationship between school punishment, disability, and black and white parents’ health outcomes” in Children and Youth Services Review.
Julie Schumacher, Jacqueline Lanier, Jennifer Banning, and Amy Bardwell, FCS, coauthored “Development of a Community Food Pantry for Students of Higher Education” in Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences.
Haiyan Xie, TEC, coauthored “Identification and Analysis of Communication Barriers for Construction Projects with Time Uncertainties” in Journal of Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management.
Chris Brewer, CJS, coauthored “The role of computer technologies in structuring evidence gathering in cybercrime investigations: A qualitative analysis” in Criminal Justice Review and “Developing and implementing social engineering‑prevention policies: A qualitative study” in Security Journal.
Chang Su-Russell, FCS, coauthored “Filial support behaviours: associations with filial piety, reciprocity and parent-child contact in China” in Families, Relationships and Societies.
Marcel Lopes dos Santos with Megan Thompson (graduate student), KNR, coauthored “Differences and Relationships Between Push-up and Sit-up Variations Among Male Law Enforcement Cadets in Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
Keeley Hynes, PSY, Luke Russell, FCS, Daniel Lannin, PSY, and Ani Yazedjian, PROVOST, coauthored “Awareness of Social Media Audiences among Adolescents in a School-Based Intervention” in Journal of Applied School Psychology.
Michelle Kibler, Michael Barrowclough, Brianna Messman (Student), Daniel Lannin, and Maria Boerngen, AGR, coauthored “Mental Health Service Preferences Amongst Illinois Dairy Producers” in Journal of Agromedicine.
Tony Adedze, HIS, presented on the history of colonialism in Africa for ISU’s International Seminar panel on “Impressions of Colonialism.”
Richard Hughes, HIS, Vitoria Faccin-Herman, ART, and Heather Koopmans, Milner Library, presented “Collaborating to Engage and Enhance the Visual Literacy Skills of Pre-Service History Teachers” at the International Visual Literacy Association’s Annual Conference.
Christine Varga-Harris, HIS, presented “Cold War Herstories from Across the North-South Divide: Exchanges Between Women in the Soviet Union and the ‘Developing World’” at the “The State-Socialist World Turned Global: Cultural Encounters During the Cold War” conference at the University of Bucharest, Romania.