
Purify your energy

Our scriptures state that we have abundant prana shakti, life energy, from the moment we are born to the day we die. If this energy is blocked, it leads to diseases. Hatha Yog advises practices that can keep this energy flowing freely for health and longevity.

The prana shakti moves from one part of our being to another through energy channels known as nadis. Nadis were originally mentioned in Marma Vijnana, which elaborates the function of the 72,000 nadis that conduct the flow of prana to every system and part of our body. These are sometimes mistaken for nerves or channels such as arteries or veins.

According to Hatha Yog, there are three main nadis – Ida, Pingala and Sushumna. The subtle system of the flow of prana needs to be purified regularly to ensure that our energies do not get blocked. This can be done by yogic techniques such as purification kriyas, pranayamas, mudras and asanas. In one of the important technique, Anulom Vilom pranayama, alternate nostril breathing, breathing is regulated through both nostrils. Another purification process is the Nadi Shuddhi Kriya which detoxifies the body by cleansing the energy channels in the body.

It is, therefore, important to practice at least one asana, one pranayama and one kriya everyday to keep your energy flowing efficiently. They can become habit-forming effortlessly because of their good effect on the body and mind. When energy moves freely through one’s body, there is an overall feeling of well-being and joy.


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