
Platonic: Did You Catch Feelings for Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne's Apple Comedy? Grade the Premiere! – TVLine

In the summer of ’89, When Harry Met Sally hit theaters and asked if men and women can ever just be friends. Thirty four years later, Apple TV+’s Platonic suggests that friendship is possible — but not without a few complications.

The half-hour comedy, which premiered Tuesday, focuses on former best friends Will and Sylvia (played by Neighbors duo Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne), who are reconnecting after a long rift. Sylvia, a lawyer-turned-stay at home mom who’s beginning to second-guess some of her decisions, reaches out to brewmaster Will after she discovers that he’s getting a divorce.

Their initial reunion at Starbucks is incredibly cringe. Within the span of three minutes, Will and Sylvia exchange pleasantries, realize they have nothing in common, then go their separate ways. But before he leaves, Will mentions a party he’s having at his bar and extends an invite to Sylvia, assuming she won’t come. Luckily for him, she does show up, and she pulls him away after a fight between him and his ex. They go drinking, pop weed gummies and hit up a 24-hour Denny’s. It’s exactly what Will needs.

As Will watches Sylvia inhale the saddest looking plate of French fries, we get a sense of what their friendship was like in the #BeforeTimes. But once they head out, everything changes. Sylvia lets slip that she reached out to Will out of pity, and Will doesn’t take it well. Harsh truths are exchanged, and Sylvia calls it a night. It appears to be the definitive end to their friendship — or whatever was left of it, anyway. But shortly thereafter, Will and Sylvia are texting as if nothing happened. By the following episode, their lives are fully intertwined again, which may or may not causes problems between Sylvia and her husband.

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