
Park Rapids Area School Board Meeting Mi – Park Rapids Enterprise

Park Rapids Area School Board Meeting Minutes Monday December 19th, 2022 6:00 PM Frank White Education Center – Community Room Chairperson Safratowich called the Meeting to order. Members present and order to vote was Dodge, Carlson, Hoyt, Pike, Kocka & Safratowich. Principals Jeff Johnson & Mike LeMeir were present, along with Superintendent Lance Bagstad, Business Manager Kent Fritze, as well as staff and community members. RECITED the Pledge of Allegiance APPROVED Agenda and Addendums as presented. Pike/Kocka HEARD Public Comment HEARD Student of the month for November – Emma Ravnass HEARD Athletic Conference Placement Options 3 options were presented. Jeremy suggests applying to be in the Heart of lakes conference as they all align well and have very competitive teams. A decision will be made at the January 9th board meeting. HEARD Logo Update HEARD Truth in Taxation Presentation APPROVED Consent Items as follows: Hoyt/Kocka a. Approve payments Presented for December 2022 b. Approve Minutes of the December 5th, 2022 Working Board Meeting c. Approve Resignation – Melody Bober, Adsis Paraprofessional Elementary – Effective January 3rd, 2023 d. Approve Resignation – Robert Henderson, Co-Assistant Speech Coach e. Approve Resignation – Stephen Funk, JV Baseball Coach f. Approve Resignation – Josh Cook, JH Softball Coach g. Approve Resignation – Coda Johnson, Paraprofessional Elementary h. Approve New Hire – SkyBlue Detmers, Paraprofessional Elementary i. Approve New Hire – Melody Bober, Title I Teacher contingent upon licensure – Effective January 3rd, 2023 j. Approve New Hire – Liza Adams, Cook’s Help 6.25 Hours/day k. Approve New Hire – Matt Ruper, Custodian Century School l. Approve Volunteer – Josh Vinge, Hockey Coach m. Approve Volunteer – Jimmy Hillukka, Hockey Coach n. Approve Volunteer – Doug Wesa, Hockey Coach o. Approve Volunteer – Brad Pinoniemi, Hockey Coach p. Approve First Reading review of Mechanic’s Helper Job Description q. Approve Second Reading of Policy 534- Unpaid Meal Charges Policy HEARD Monthly Student Council Report – This week we have dress up days leading up to Christmas. We will be looking into Snow days after the holiday season. HEARD Monthly Superintendent Report- The legislative budget will be starting on January 3rd. I’ve been meeting with the Project 309 groups, and they are all looking forward to seeing things happen. Free December is going well. HEARD Monthly Business Manager Report- You will be looking at bonds and approving rolling over payments on Bonds. HEARD Monthly Principals’ Report Johnson – Choir concert went well and was successful. Plays are in full swing for the winter. After the break we are 3 weeks from mid trimester, and we will be looking at programming for next year. We are looking at Athletic programs and Scholarship programs to be moved from Wednesday to Friday. LeMier – We had our middle school choir concert, and all went well with that. We have our spelling Bee tomorrow. Thanks to Alan for getting things cleaned up after concerts and all the snow last week. We are looking at programming for next year and some grants for next year. When students come back from break, we will have a lot of meetings and testing for our students. HEARD Monthly Activities Directors Report – We are hoping to move the athletic banquet from a Wednesday to Friday to accommodate our Hall of famers. We are also looking at giving our hall of famers a free pass into our athletics. Girls’ hockey is looking at joining with DL and having our girls join them for the upcoming season. New business for next meeting HEARD Monthly Community Education Report – I really like Blackboard message it saves us lot of paper. We took 2 groups to Branson and that was very successful. We are working on the brochure that should hit mailboxes next week. HEARD Monthly Facilities Director Report- We are currently fully loaded on staff and are hoping to get some extra things done over the break with a full staff. HEARD Monthly Transportation Director Report- We need subs. Not having drivers could impact events as well as the number of routes that are needed. We do not want drivers to get stuck and we are going to make sure our drivers and students are safe. HEARD Monthly Director of Curriculum and Instruction Report – PRAVA is well on it way. Groups have been working on their PLC groups to meet the needs of our students. HEARD Monthly Special Education Directors Report- We are really staying focused on our students and helping get our kids the services they need. We are always looking at the needs for staff due to the number of students we have coming in. We are working hard to get all the things set in motion for next year as our needs change and or grow. HEARD New Business: a. Motion for the proposed termination of probationary employee Carlson/Hoyt b. Resolution of Intent to Issue General Obligation School Building Bonds, Series 2023A Carlson/Kocka c. Approve Certification of 2022 Levy payable 2023 for fiscal year 2022-23 in the amount of $7,903,021.58 including a debt service levy of $5,008,312.04. Carlson/Hoyt d. Approve Revised budget fiscal year 2022-23 general fund revenue of $22,215,771 and general fund expense of $22,968,530. Total all funds 01 through 07 revenues of $50,452,350 and expenditure of $34,515,935. Carlson/Pike e. Approve Annual Resolution Establishing Combined Polling Places for Multiple Precincts and Designating Hours During Which the Polling Places Will Remain Open for Voting for School District Elections Not Held on the Day of the Statewide Election, for 2023 Calendar Year. Dodge/Kocka REVIEWED Enrollment DONATIONS RECEIVED AND APPRECIATED TO Century School Art Program FROM Wolf Lake Wolf Pack Baseball AMOUNT/ITEM $500 HEARD Other Items a. Schedule Special board meeting – to approve Project 309 construction documents. Thursday December 22nd at 7:30AM. ADJOURN at 7:16PM Dodge/Carlson (Jan. 25, 2023) 162498

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