
Mechanism of thought

When mind and memory get excited, then vrittis arise in you, ‘Uddhrittam manashchittam yatprabhavah vrittaya.’ This is an interesting sutra. To understand how a thought arises, one needs an immense amount of established consciousness and silence. You are silent. Your mind is calm, unexcited, your memory is subdued -no thought arises. When the mind is excited and the memory is stimulated, the Chitta, your recording apparatus, is stimulated and the mind and memory jointly produce an impulse of energy, that is a thought, that is a Vritti, that is a tendency.

That is why it is important to silence the mind. If you want to experience some silence, close your eyes and be in a silent place and let go of your worries and dissolve. Let go and relax. When you are at rest, when the excitement in the mind calms down, the mind becomes silent.

When the waves are calm, you are able to see the depth of the water, the depth of the ocean, and, in your depth, you are divine, you are God. And the depth of consciousness, to see and unite with the depth, the wave uniting with the ocean depth, that is yog.

The mind, in conjunction with the intellect, through the senses, experiences the sense objects. Here, the meaning is that perception comes when the mind is connected with the centre and external instrument. It is all again one consciousness.


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