
Letter: News that tells you exactly what you want – Chico Enterprise-Record

There’s a new network you can make part of life … KBSN, all BS almost all the time. To become an addict, simply supply the network with all the things you like and enjoy in life. From that point on, all you will see or hear will completely agree with everything you think.

Just program in the things you like. Your teams, politicians, entertainers, products, weather, age, ethnicity, geography, weapons, tax bracket, subsidies, voting, perversions, etc. Anything you need to tell them so you can see and hear exactly what you want.

All your sports teams will always win and embarrass their opponents while they do it. The weather will be exactly what you need on any given day. You’ll live in the best state, with the best politicians. You only have to hear from entertainers who have a brain.

I can get KBSN on my radio, TV, streamed, even on Sirius radio. If KBSN ever fails to tell me everything I want to hear, I can transfer my service to extreme KBSN which will tell me things I agree with that I hadn’t thought of yet.

Plus, they’ll send me a list of people in my area that also only see/hear what I do, and we can become friends and talk about how well-informed and smart we are.

Insurance is available to ever prevent finding out that anything I’ve been exposed to is actually BS. And the insurance is free and guaranteed … all you have to do is keep listening.

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— Tom Anderson, Chico





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