Affected FPIs need a window to trim or diversify their holdings if they choose not to identify the last natural person behind layers of corporate anonymity. Sebi’s interactions with market participants would suggest three months as a reasonable period for an orderly transition to the new disclosure regime. The short timeframe is also made possible by the fact that no FPI needs to unload its entire investment. It merely needs to make additional disclosures at the end of the period. Should an FPI choose to continue with its concentrated holding in a corporate group, it would have to make granular disclosures on a continuing basis.
The regulator’s effort to improve transparency and reduce price manipulation, although welcome, may not be adequate. Disclosure can be avoided by operating just below the thresholds that Sebi is setting out. Corporate control over group companies is open to interpretation. And money laundering laws may be ineffective in identifying beneficial interest in FPIs. The rules will have to be tightened progressively to meet the intended outcomes.