
Japan May Start Controversial Fukushima Water Release Next Month – Slashdot

A United Nations watchdog approved Japan’s controversial plan to start releasing treated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant next month. As Nikkei notes in its reporting, the water is still radioactive since “radioactive tritium cannot be removed with existing technology.” From the report: The IAEA’s report concluded that the Japanese project to release the water meets its safety standards. Japan’s government in January gave the planned timing for the ocean release as “spring to summer 2023.” Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said this week that there was “no change in this policy.” The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry will brief local officials and others on Wednesday about the treated water in Fukushima prefecture. Grossi will also participate.

Tokyo Electric Power Co. Holdings (TEPCO), the operator of the disaster-hit plant, uses an advanced liquid processing system (ALPS) and other equipment to reduce radioactive substances in contaminated water to levels within national standards. However, radioactive tritium cannot be removed with existing technology, and the treated water has so far been stored in tanks on the plant site. TEPCO plans to dilute the treated water with a large amount of seawater to lower the tritium concentration to less than 1/40th of the national safety standard before releasing it into the sea.


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