India has been facing shortages of pulses like tur, urad and masur. Although retail inflation eased to 5.02% in September, prices of pulses rose from 13% in August to 16.4% in September.
Tur prices have stabilised following the recent government measure of tightening the stock limit on traders and processors. “However, the prices of African tur, which have declined by 5%, could have reduced by another 10% if the imports had been smooth,” said a pulse importer from Maharashtra.
“Tur dal prices have been stable for some time. However, the prices of the African whole tur with skin, which were expected to decrease to ₹75-80/kg, have only declined to ₹90/kg from a high of ₹95-96/kg due to slower pace of imports from Mozambique,” the importer added.
“Some the traders from Mozambique are trying to artificially increase the prices and block supplies to India.”