
I’m always striving to be the best Muslim I can be – the Qur’an app helps with that

So which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?’ is an ayah, or verse, that is repeated several times throughout Ar-Rahman, one of the surahs, or ‘chapters’ of the Qur’aan, the Islamic holy text.

For me, this is one of the most powerful, profound and moving parts of the Qur’aan, as it invites Muslims to be more conscious of the blessings they are given and to always remember to express gratitude.

And with my Qur’aan app, a digital form of the holy text, I can read this ayah whenever I want, and wherever I am.

Every Muslim is on their own individual journey with the Qur’aan, and this app, by making it accessible in a portable format, and including features that help aid our understanding of the messages it contains, helps me connect to my faith any time I want. 

The Qur’aan is more than simply a holy book – it is guidance, a comfort for my heart and soul and is full of beautiful reminders and interesting stories from the past that I can appreciate the wisdom of and use in my daily life.

It’s partly down to that appreciation I’ve chosen to spell Qur’aan with two a’s as I’ve found this aids non-native Arabic speakers to pronounce the word as it should be. 

As a Muslim who endeavours to be more spiritual, I try to read and recite the Qur’aan as much as I can, in both the good and bad times of my life. When people upset me, I read the Qur’aan, with the intention to uplift my mood and be reminded that Allah is the most just, and so that gives me comfort.  

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Being able to have the Qur’aan on my phone is ideal (Picture: Lilufa Uddin)

What many people aren’t aware of is that there is a science and art to how we engage with the Qur’aan, known as Tajweed.

That means there’s more to our experience with the Qur’aan than just reading – reciting sections, in our most beautiful voice, is a key part of our faith.

And this is where the app helps even more, giving me access to all manner of different styles of recitations.

The Qur’aan app I use was created by, an online resource that already allows users to explore the Qur’aan itself, and the history behind it.

The app allows me to read, recite myself, study the text or listen to recitation. It provides users the choice of viewing the tafseer (or explanation) of each ayah, which gives context  

I’m also spoiled for choice when it comes to listening to recitations, given the sheer amount available on the app. 

For those that are struggling to read Arabic, which is the language of The Qur’aan, it assists with pronunciation.

Even for those like me, who are fluent Arabic readers, listening to the various recitations can expand your appreciation for different styles, and allow you to make your current recitation better.

While the Qur’aan itself is the manifestation of my faith, the app makes things so much easier for me practically.

Also, to use the app, you do not need to have performed wudu or ablution, a cleansing ritual we perform before the five daily prayers and before touching a hard copy of the Qur’aan.

The Qur’aan is more than simply a holy book – it is guidance, a comfort for my heart and soul

I use it while travelling into work, and during any breaks I take in the day from work or socialising, I will go on the app and practice perfecting my own recitation.

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Being able to do this on my phone, which I always have on me, is ideal.

Tragically, Britain is still rife with Islamophobia, and opening a Qur’aan on, for example, public transport, can lead to verbal abuse or worse. 

As many Muslims can confirm, carrying a hard copy of the Qur’aan in public is often a nerve-wracking experience.

So this app allows us to be more discrete with our reading and recitation of the Qur’aan, away from prying eyes and negativity. I have personally had hostile looks from people when I have worn my Islamic attire on public transport. 

That means I don’t have to worry about the response, and can use the app to fully appreciate the benefits of the Qur’aan in my life.

The Qur’aan is more than a holy book, it nourishes my heart and soul (Picture: Lilufa Uddin)

When I am in pain, it aids me in reminding me that after every hardship is ease, just as I’m taught in the Qur’aan. 

I have relied on the Qur’aan, to get me through difficult times in my life, and sought comfort in the words of Allah.

As we say in Islam, Alhamdulillah (all praises and thanks to Allah) I am so grateful for the Qur’aan app.

By allowing me the space to engage with my faith in a way that’s easy for me it has boosted my mental health, when I have felt low and distressed.

It has also helped in my journey to memorise more surahs, something Muslims have done throughout history to help preserve them.

The app also means I have been able to explore the meaning and wisdoms behind each, and appreciate their significance in my life.  

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I am not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, however I am constantly striving to be the best Muslim I can be.

Learning how to read the Qur’aan, how to recite it, understand it and implement it, is a part of that journey of becoming a better Muslim.

And that is why this app is so important to me.

The Tech I Can’t Live Without

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