When you’re parched and that crystal-clear liquid touches your lips, it’s as if nature itself is soothing your body and soul. The coolness washes over you, bringing immediate relief on a hot or tiring day. It’s a reminder of life’s essential elements, grounding you in the present moment.
A glass of cool water isn’t just a drink; it’s also communing with the vessel it’s held in – whether a tall glass glass, a steel tumbler or even straight from the bottle. Then there’s the cold water from the fridge, the room temperature water, and the personalised mix of the two for the right person or occasion.
The act of drinking water can be surprisingly meditative. As you take each sip, you become aware of your body’s needs, even mentally seeing the ‘river’ going down your throat in a happy, nourishing current. The pleasures of a glass of cool water are childishly unadulterated. It’s a reminder that, sometimes, the most exquisite joys are found in the simplest of transparent things.