
Did YOU get the alert? Millions of US smartphones hit with blaring warning during nationwide emergency drill – as conspiracy theorist claimed the test would spark a zombie apocalypse

  • The nationwide alert will take place at approximately 2:20pm ET today
  • Alerts will be sent to smartphones, televisions and over the radio
  • Americans will see a message and hear a ‘unique tone’ during the drill
  • READ MORE: The purpose of the test is to warn the public about emergencies

Every US smartphone, television and radio received an alert on Wednesday at 2:18pm ET as part of a nationwide test for an emergency alert system.

‘This is a test’ flashed across screens as the federal government tests its alert system to ensure it is maintained in the event of a real emergency.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Federal Communication Commission (FCC) conducted the drill, which sent a code to smartphones.

Televisions and radios across the US also received alerts. 

Conspiracy theorists flooded the web leading up to the drilling, claiming the test would trigger a zombie apocalypse by activating nanoparticles in the Covid-19 vaccine.

The planned test was first conducted in 2012 and has since been used around 84,000 times across the US to warn the public about missing children, natural disasters and other emergencies. 

However, conspiracy theorists jumped at the opportunity to push their ideas out to the masses. 

One X user’s viral post reads: ‘Turn off your cell phones on October 4th. The EBS is going to “test” the system using 5G. This will activate the Marburg virus in people who have been vaccinated. And sadly, turn some of them into zombies.’

And many X members posted similar messages. 

Other users shared they had turned off their smartphones, radios and televisions out of precaution. 

Conspiracy theorists flooded the web leading up to the drilling, claiming the test would trigger a zombie apocalypse by activating nanoparticles in the Covid-19 vaccine

Conspiracy theorists flooded the web leading up to the drilling, claiming the test would trigger a zombie apocalypse by activating nanoparticles in the Covid-19 vaccine

And many X members posted similar messages

And many X members posted similar messages

Other users shared they had turned off their smartphones, radios and televisions out of precaution

Other users shared they had turned off their smartphones, radios and televisions out of precaution

Shortly after the alarm went off, the social media platform was filled with posts stating that the end of times did not happen.

The national test will consist of two portions: testing Wireless Emergency Alerts (WAS) and Emergency Alert System (EAS) capabilities. 

The WEA portion of the test was directed to all consumer cell phones, and the EAS portion was sent to radios and televisions. 

Wireless phone customers in the United States whose phones are on will get a message saying: ‘THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. Thu purpose is to maintain and improve alert and warning capabilities at the federal, state, local, tribal and territorial levels and to evaluate the nation’s public alert and warning capabilities. No action is needed.’ 

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The incoming messages made a noise, and the phone vibrated. 

Phones that have their main menu set to Spanish displayed: ‘ESTA ES UNA PRUEBA del Sistema Nacional de Alerta de Emergencia. No se necesita acción.’ 

According to the authorities, this was the seventh nationwide EAS test. 

This test lasted approximately one minute. 

According to FEMA, it was conducted with the participation of radio and television broadcasters, cable systems, satellite radio and television providers, and wireline video providers.

People watching broadcasts on cable television or listening to the radio heard and saw a message lasting one minute: ‘This is a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System, issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, covering the United States. This is only a test. No action is required by the public.’

Federal law requires the systems be tested at least once every three years. The last nationwide test was on August 11, 2021.


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