
DEVOTIONAL GUIDE: Jesus represented morality through human … – Park Rapids Enterprise

Humanity has an “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” mentality.

We desire to put forth so little effort – mentally, physically, and spiritually – we are OK experiencing some inconvenience, some pain.

Only when we’re presented with a solution that feels easy do we decide that maybe confronting this pain and this sorrow is worth it.

Humanity is broken. We sit too easily in our own pain, surrounded by our own hurts, and find the effort of love and patience beyond what we can give.

Given moral standards (like the 10 Commandments), we quickly realize that humanity upholds what is convenient and disregards what might cause an uncomfortable situation. Avoiding murdering someone may be easy for me, but what happens when confronted with something I’m ashamed of? Is lying the easier option? We were told to not murder… but also to not lie. Both create heartache and hollow out parts of our hearts.

That’s why Jesus came.

Jesus lived life in a way that was intertwined with Holy Spirit and the Father. He represented that relationship is all that’s required to practice a life full of peace, joy, love, goodness, kindness, gentleness, patience, faithfulness and self-control.

He walked this way while He walked with humanity as a human and represented this as He laid down His life for humanity.

He loved those on the outside. He stood up for those who were persecuted and held down. He served and sacrificed and loved. And the entire time, he professed that it came from seeing how His Father (God) showed Him to live.

He represented morality not from a rigid place of rules and regulations, but through relationship and connection.

Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection three days later represented not only the power of our Creator but that death doesn’t win. The ultimate fear of humanity – the thing we are innately wired to avoid – was shown to have no power over us. He told us of the power of the Holy Spirit and then showed us that power. He invited us to experience that same Holy Spirit and confidence and relationship.

A celebration of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection is a celebration of hope and healing for humanity. We’ve been shown it’s possible!

I am grateful that failure and sorrow are not where we must stay. There is such beauty and restoration available here.

May we recognize who Jesus was and is and lean into the relationship He has invited us to.

Jennifer Juni and her husband Joel are the pastors of Restoration Christian Church in Park Rapids.


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