
Detoxing the mind

Humanity has been on a timeless quest for happiness, peace and joy. Despite our best efforts, we cannot find lasting happiness in this fleeting world of illusion because everything in this world is temporary. When we seek lasting happiness in that which is temporary, we are bound to experience disappointment.

Medical researchers speak of the body-mind connection, and the body-mind-spirit connection is taught by the saints and mystics. Actually, it is the mind that governs our emotional state. When the emotional state is not good, we experience unhappiness.

To be in a good emotional state requires that we cleanse the mind of the toxins that defile it. We need to learn to detox the mind, much like we detox the body of toxins that make the body ill. To detox the mind, we need to take the mind and our attention, which is currently focused in the outer world, and refocus it within ourselves where the divine treasures await.

God resides within us and when we invert, through the process of meditation, we experience the closeness of the Divine. As we start to experience this love, we find there is no sweeter nectar than God’s love in all of creation. This love enthrals us and uplifts us. Anchoring into the stability of the Divine’s love, which is eternal, we are bathed in happiness and joy that make us oblivious to the ups and downs of life.


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