
Cyber Threats and Advisories | Cybersecurity and Infrastructure … – CISA


Sophisticated cyber actors and nation-states exploit vulnerabilities to steal information and money and are developing capabilities to disrupt, destroy, or threaten the delivery of essential services. Defending against these attacks is essential to maintaining the nation’s security. Protecting cyber space is the responsibility of individuals, families, small and large businesses, SLTT and federal governments. By preventing attacks or mitigating the spread of an attack as quickly as possible, cyber threat actors lose their power. Any cyber-attack, no matter how small, is a threat to our national security and must be identified, managed, and shut down.    

CISA’s Role

CISA diligently tracks and shares information about the latest cybersecurity risks, attacks, and vulnerabilities, providing our nation with the tools and resources needed to defend against these threats. CISA provides cybersecurity resources and best practices for businesses, government agencies, and other organizations. CISA shares up-to-date information about high-impact types of security activity affecting the community at large and in-depth analysis on new and evolving cyber threats. By staying current on threats and risk factors, CISA helps ensure our nation is protected against serious cyber dangers.


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