By JR Valrey, The People’s Minister of Information
What is happening to the dollar? The international symbol of U.S. imperialism is in transition because the U.S. government is involved in World War III, which has resulted in a pact of nations getting together to fight the international bullies of the western world.
Meanwhile the U.S. and many other nations are also involved in trying to implement more police surveillance and military control over their populations by way of using blockchain technology to create a Central Bank Digital Currency, that will record every single business transaction.
The international political and economic block known as BRICS has been making international headlines in 2023, for the moves that it is making to remove the U.S. dollar from being the global currency. It has been doing all of this amidst World War III, that is euphemistically being called “The War in Ukraine.”
BRICS is headed by the nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa with more than a dozen other nations from all corners of the world waiting to get in, including regional powers like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Argentina.
“Many countries are saying in order to avoid this consequence of imposition of sanctions by the United States on the basis that you are using their currency, in order to avoid the consequences of the sanctions that arise from that, ‘let’s walk away from the dollar.’ When Russia trades with China there’s no reason why they must use dollars, none, even India is saying the same thing,” says former South African President Thabo Mbeki.
“So globally there is a discussion that is taking place, to say we must find alternative means of trading among ourselves, and not subject ourselves to the situation where there is one currency in the world, which becomes the global reserve currency, because it gives the country that issues out the money, the United States, it gives it the power to impose its will. It is better that we have a diversified financial system rather than to be so tied up with one currency.”
Members of the United States government are not at all pleased at the so-called “second world” and “third world” countries coming together, to ward off the bullying of the U.S., the western world and the New World Order.
“Brazil, the biggest country in the hemisphere, south of us, cut a trade deal with China. They are going to, from now on, do trade in their own currencies, to get around the dollar. They are creating a secondary economy in the world totally independent of the United States,” explained Florida Senator Marco Rubio.
“We won’t have to talk about sanctions in five years, because it will be so many countries transacting in currencies other than the dollar, that we won’t have the ability to sanction them. As we are sitting here focused on some of this nuttiness that is going on, people that are dedicating their lives in this country to ensuring that it is legal to mutilate children, to do drag shows in schools, and we have another superpower that wants to become the world’s dominant power at our expense, and these people do not want to focus on it.”
As non western countries coalesce together to defeat the U.S. and the dollar in an economic war without firing a shot, the United States government seems to be preoccupied with trying to eliminate the dollar, for a Central Bank Digital Currency in the U.S.
In July, FedNow aka a government owned outfit similar to Cash App is being introduced to the American public, and it is the first of many steps that the United States government is taking to eliminate the dollar bill and transition the U.S. public onto a digital currency economic system, where every transaction will be recorded with blockchain technology.
The danger of this is that people can be and will be digitally imprisoned and controlled. With blockchain technology and the internet of things, the U.S. and other governments are trying to build the infrastructure for 24 hour complete surveillance of the public.
Similar to China, where the Central Bank Digital Currency has already been implemented, a social credit score was soon to follow, which means that the government in China has the ability to restrict what you can buy or sell and it can prevent you from traveling on public transportation or even to different parts of the city, if they don’t like what you say, what you have been doing, or who you have associated with. The China government can also put an expiration date on your money, preventing you from saving it.
In response to the United States government eliminating cash, the state of Arkansas has made gold and silver legal tender aka currency. The Arkansas Legal Tender Act was signed by the governor on April 11, 2023. 23 states are involved in similar legislation to establish US dollar alternatives. Any kind of gold or silver coin can be used to pay for debts according to the Arkansas Legal Tender Act.
Nigeria has implemented the digital currency system a couple years ahead of the U.S. Since October ‘21 Nigeria has had a Central Bank Digital Currency. Only 5% of the population signed up. The Nigerian government then limited the amount of cash that people could withdraw from the ATMs and the banks to $44 a week, and the average Nigerian needs $44 a day to survive. In October of ‘22, the Nigerian government banned cash.
The government said they were no longer accepting old bank notes and said that they would issue new notes. The banks then stopped issuing the new notes. They starved their own people into submitting and adopting the digital currency. Now over 60% of the country is locked into using the digital currency. 11 nations have launched digital currencies, with Jamaican being one of the most recent.
Although the wars seem to only be in the Sudan, the Congo, the Ukraine, Syria, Palestine and Yemen, Black people in the United States will not come out of this international upheaval unscathed. We must diligently watch what is happening on the political and economic stage, it may be the time to consider what the late great Jamaican revolutionary singer Bob Marley told us, “exodus.”
JR Valrey, journalist, author, filmmaker and founder of Black New World Media. He is also the editor in chief of the San Francisco Bay View Newspaper. He teaches the Community Journalism class twice a week at the San Francisco Bay View Newspaper office.