
Cloud Security: The importance of pitching Zero Trust to the c-suite – TechRadar

As the threat landscape increases and businesses look for competitive advantages in digital-based initiatives, cybersecurity (opens in new tab) is recognized as a business imperative, enabler and foundational in maintaining trust with customers (opens in new tab). But in those organizations where this is yet to be acknowledged, CISOs may struggle to sell the additional benefits that a cyber strategy with zero trust principles and frameworks can bring – including the enablement of the people and organizational policies around hybrid working (opens in new tab), safe digital transformation, better overall business continuity, agility and resilience, and the simplification of a consistent user experience.

Businesses often push back on security (opens in new tab) initiatives out of fear that the controls being implemented will make things more complicated for the business or affect user experience. However, zero trust is an option that can improve this, all while providing the right key controls needed to safeguard a modern enterprise.


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