
Church News – Benton County Enterprise


From The Pastor’s Desk

Feeling Lost

There were three friends; three 17 year old boys who were close-knit friends. Two drowned in a river, one trying to save the other. The third boy saw it. He couldn’t get there in time.

His life went on for several months. He drove five hours to the backwoods of Arkansas to visit one boy’s grave. 

The boy’s name was Gary. He came to our home many times after my brother, his friend died. His two closest friends in all the world were gone. He was like a fish out of water. 

Gary died that Christmas in a freak accident in his home. 

I talked to two recent widows this past week. They feel lost without their husbands.

A friend told me after he lost his daughter that for six months he felt lost. 

Those of us who have taken care of our parents know the feeling. When your spouse dies, you know the feeling. It may last a week, a month, several months or longer but you know. Yes, you know. Been there, done that as they say, and may I go thru it again. You never know. 

For a few, it may never go away but they learn to deal with it. 

For me, time helps; doesn’t heal, but helps. Church, the Bible, prayer, friends, being busy helps. So you are not alone.

I am Johnie J. Logue, Pastor of Grace Baptist Church at 31046 Hwy MM in Warsaw. Call me at (660) 281-4775.



Hopewell Baptist Church


In Matthew 11:20-24, Jesus denounces wealthy cities where He spent most of His time doing miracles because they did not repent. Jesus says woe as a caution or concern. This isn’t a normal way of talking He was cautioning the people about how they were behaving. “Woe to you, I performed miracles, yet nothing has changed internally. Even your enemies would have already repented. You can see what God is doing. Do you think you will somehow be elevated since this is where the Son of God spent so much time. You will go down to the depths (meaning destruction and death). Because I hung out here is not a sign of approval. You saw the signs and miracles and you didn’t repent”.

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Jesus goes on to tell them He did not come to abolish the law but to fulfil it. The heart of the law is why He came. There’s a heart problem. Jesus tells them, they see and watch the miracles without repentance. They have a lot of faith that building up will protect them. They were building their confidence in something that will end in destruction. They had misplaced faith.

Today, out faith can be attached to our government which will not save a single person When we put our faith in Jesus, now our faith is not in human hands. Whoever wins the election doesn’t change how good our God is. We have seen what God can do. We can see the spirit move and if we don’t have changed hearts, what difference does it make.

The problem is, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Jesus calls us to repentance. What we need most is the blood of Jesus above everything else! We need to put our faith where it belongs and that is Jesus Christ. If God is calling you to something, please respond! When we put our faith in Jesus, the Kingdom of God awaits us. Do you know where you’re going to spend eternity? Jesus matters first! Jesus is good! If Jesus is calling us to something – let’s just go!

Join us Sunday mornings for Sunday School at 10 a.m. with Worship at 11 a.m., and Sunday and Wednesday Bible Study at 6 p.m. Watch us live at 11 a.m. on Hopewell Baptist Church Facebook page.

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Lincoln First Baptist Church


Well everyone, the weather is turning cold for a few days.  Bundle up.  We are preparing OCC boxes to be distributed around the world to children in need.  Chamber of Commerce Trunk or Treat was moved to Foster Hall because of the weather on Halloween.  Attendance was low today  but those who were to be in church were present.  Gabby Klaiber sang the B-I-B-L-E today.  She is the pastor’s daughter.

1 Thessalonians 4: 13 was the text for the sermon today.  Pastor Jesse continued with what he was talking about Wednesday evening.  Being covered with Jesus’ blood we need to do something with it.  We can plant the seed and Jesus will water it.  We need to witness to those we love.  Are you luke warm? Are you straddling the fence?

Salvation is for here and now.  We have to believe in a resurrected God.  If you are asleep you are not watching for God.  If you aren’t asleep you will know the mark of the beast.  We don’t know when Jesus is coming nor does Jesus. Do you have your soul locked up where the devil can’t get to it?  Praise God in all things.  We need to praise Him all day long.  Never be satisfied and always be ready to do something.  Do not quench the spirit.  Always look up what the preacher says.  Be a witness to all people.




Unity Of The Lakes

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This Sunday 11/3/23 Unity of the Lakes is blessed to have Rev. Sandra Duncan as our guest speaker.  Her service is “Gratitude”.  As we look forward to thanksgiving it would be good to think of what we are thankful for and why.  What does gratitude mean for us.  Is it different today than years past?  Can we develop an attitude of gratitude?  You can be certain this will be an informative service that will help you on your spiritual journey.  Service is 11 am, dress is casual and all are welcome.  We will have refreshments and fellowship after service.  We are located 8 miles south of Warsaw on highway 65.  Our physical address is 34948 Hwy 65 South.  If you would like to help us and we have feed you spiritually, please send your tithes or offerings to Unity of the Lakes PO Box 1336 Warsaw, MO 65355.  We thank you for your support.  Please follow us on Facebook.



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