
Choctaw Nation cybersecurity is a top priority – Choctaw Nation

Long ago, Choctaw Warriors faced their enemies and could repel them with their might and knowledge of fighting techniques to keep the Tribe safe. Today, our Choctaw Warriors use their minds to repel enemies of the Nation with computer security and protection of sensitive tribal member data through a process called cybersecurity.

The Choctaw Nation’s cybersecurity team is always on guard for would-be intruders trying to hack their way into our systems and gain access to our Nation’s sensitive data. Thanks to our outstanding Information Technology team’s great planning, training, and focus, so far, the cyber intruders have not been successful, but it does give me something to think about as I read about the latest phishing efforts and data breaches that have negatively impacted other organizations and individuals across the globe. What can we do to help shield ourselves from cyber intruders?

The need for cybersecurity in the digital world is a necessity. The volume and sophistication of cyberattacks constantly grows. As technology dependence increases, so does our vulnerability. Cybersecurity helps to protect our data and systems from these threats.

The Choctaw Nation Cybersecurity team has a few tips to consider when you are navigating your emails and the Internet:

  • The IRS will not email you and ask for personal information.
  • Sweepstakes are nearly always a scam.
  • If it’s too good to be true, it’s probably a scam.
  • Microsoft will not have you call them with updates to your computer.
  • Never click on an anti-virus download link that arrives in your email.
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The U.S. government’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) offers more suggestions to secure your personal information on your computer:

  • Use strong passwords.
  • Update your software.
  • Think before you click on suspicious links.
  • Turn on multi-factor authentication.

These cybersecurity basics apply to both individuals and organizations. For both government and private entities, developing and implementing tailored cybersecurity plans is key.

The Choctaw Nation takes the privacy of its tribal members very seriously and we will continue to upgrade our systems with the latest security technology. The care in keeping our tribal members data safe and secure is at the very foundation of what the Choctaw Nation stands for. We will remain tireless in our efforts to keep the Choctaw Nation’s data safe from cyber-attacks.

For more information on what you can do to combat cyber thieves or to participate in online activities during Cybersecurity Awareness Month in October, go to to find out how to protect your personal information from cyber-attacks.

Yakoke and God Bless!

Hopaki antia chash Oklushi achukmaka chi ka Chahta Täshka ählehät i tännäp ähleha ya isht hlampko micha nan ikhäna micha itibbi imponna atukosh falämmicha beka tuk. Himak nittak ano Chahta Täshka ählehät im anukfila isht ätta hosh i tännäp falämmichi, I tännäp pät Chahta Yakni i computa im ahinna mät Chahta achäffa ähleha I holhtina ya Cybersecurity achi pa hlopullichi hosh atukkuchi ima.

Chahta Yakni i Cybersecurity itapehät toksäli ähleha yät yululit anyät Yakni i holhtina ya ibachukowa na ahni kät achukmvt apesächi shahli. Yakni Atokäli hocheto inla käno yululit anya ählehät yät I holhtina iba chukohowa ka hochehifo li yohmi kia pi Technology ählehät ännoa achukma pihima hatuko yululit anya ählehät häpimmi käno ik iba chukowo. Nanta ho e yohmi hosh Cyber yululit anya ähleha pa ile atukkcuha hnla?

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Yakni holhtina pa Cybersecurity ya abänna yät afehna. Nan imponna yät lawa hatoko cyber amokofa yät lawa hosh mahanyakma anonti technology pa aianukcheto fiena tukosh nana kiyo ho nahla hinla. Nana yät pi miha ka Cybesecurity pät häpi holhtina tukkuchi fiena.

Cybersecurity ähleha yät älbächi kanohmi ya chi email ish pisät hhlopula chikma ish ahni chi ho chimma.

  • IRS ät email chi pilät chi aiimma panaklo kiyo.
  • Iskäli lawa habena yät scam a bilia.
  • Achukma kä aiahli ahobakmät yämmät scam chatuk.
  • Microsoft ät chi computa ännoa himona bännät antta chi kiyo.
  • Isht illi i sänalit chi email älakma himma holbachi ish antta na.

U.S. government micha Cybersecurity Infrastructures Security Agency akia chi computa ya chim aiimma ännoa achukmät ish ahinna hinla ka pako achi.

  • hohchifo luma hlampko ho isht ätta
  • Chi software himonachi shahli
  • *Achakali nuktähla ya tikbät anukfilli cha onbitepa
  • Miyo ahlichi na panaklo ya falämmichi mihachi

Cybersecurity afehna iläppät hattak ilap bano micha atokäli hocheto ähleha yät onucha hinla. Atoksäli itimilayuka yät isht ätta hinla ka im afehna.

Chahta Yakni im achäffa ählehät ya nana yät ataklämmi chi kiyo kät im afehna. Yohmi hatukosh nan ahinna ya himonachit shahli. Achunnachit Chahta achäffa ya achukmaka micha ahinna chi ka alushumma.

Cyber hukopa ähleha ittiba hinla ka ännoa chi bännakmät Cybersecurity akostinchi ya cisa.gove a ish ia na. Aktoba yät Cybersecurity akostinicha chi. pa ish onakmät kaniohmichi hosh cyber amokofa ya ish atukkacha hinla ka anoli.


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