
ChatGPT and spirituality

The whole world is going gaga over ChatGPT, a natural language-processing tool, driven by artificial intelligence that enables us to have human-like conversations. To explore ChatGPT‘s application in spirituality, it is essential to understand two key dimensions of spirituality: the cognitive aspect and the skill mindfulness to establish connection with the Divine.

Prerequisite to understanding these facets is to decipher the basic difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is the information gathered by listening to discourses and studying scriptures; wisdom is our ability to live by the acquired knowledge.

Krishn tells Arjun in the Bhagwad Gita chapter on Dhyan Yog that knowledge is better than practice, and meditation is better than knowledge. In effect, he emphasises integration of both to develop a greater sense in our lives.

Ikujiro Nonaka, Japanese organisational theorist, avers that knowledge can be explicit or implicit. ChatGPT can address only the explicit knowledge, but not the implicit one, such as realising God Consciousness. That’s where ChatGPT falls flat. Many ancient sages attempted to document knowledge in the Upanishadic texts, including the Bhagwad Gita.

ChatGPT is a product of human intelligence, hence a servant and not the Master. The true Master is the Supreme Self, the Brahmn, and as the Mundaka Upanishad states, the one who knows the Supreme Brahmn, attains the highest knowledge.


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