
Certain A Shares of LBP Medicine Science & Technology Co., Ltd are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 20-AUG-2023. –

Certain A Shares of LBP Medicine Science & Technology Co., Ltd are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 20-AUG-2023. These A Shares will be under lockup for 1103 days starting from 12-AUG-2020 to 20-AUG-2023.


Cai Xiangting, the controlling shareholder and actual controller, promises within 36 months since the date of listing of the present shares, there will not be no transfers nor entrustment of shares to any third party nor repurchase by the Company. If, within 6 months after the issuer’s listing, the closing price of the shares is lower than issuance price for 20 consecutive trading days or if trading price is lower than issuance price after 6 month from listing, lock-up period will be automatically extended for another 6 months. If there is any case of dividends, bonus shares, capitalization of capital reserve and other similar cases, issue price will be adjusted according to ex-dividend and ex-interests. After the expiry of the lock-up period (including the extended lock-up period), the parties promise that yearly transfer of shares made by them will not exceed 25% of the holding, both direct and indirect, held by the present parties. After 6 months from rescindment, there will not be more transfers of shares, either direct or indirect. If any of the parties were to resign within 6 months from the present IPO, neither direct nor indirect holdings might be transferred or sold for 18 months since the date of rescinding. If the parties resign within 7 to 12 months after the IPO, neither direct nor indirect holdings might be transferred or sold for 12 months since the date of rescinding.

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Wu Jinsong is the spouse of Cai Xiangting, the controlling shareholder and actual controller of Guangzhou Anbiping Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd., and indirectly holds the issuer’s shares through Guangzhou Kaiduo Investment Consulting Center (Limited Partnership), shareholder Guangzhou Kaiduo Investment Consulting Center (Limited Partnership), promises Within 36 months since the date of listing of the present shares in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, there will not be no transfers nor entrustment of shares to any third party nor repurchase by the Company. If, within 6 months after the issuer’s listing, the closing price of the shares is lower than issuance price for 20 consecutive trading days or if trading price is lower than issuance price after 6 month from listing, lock-up period will be automatically extended for another 6 months. If there is any case of dividends, bonus shares, capitalization of capital reserve and other similar cases, issue price will be adjusted according to ex-dividend and ex-interests.

Director Wang Youming, Director Wang Haijiao, Zhuji Gaote Jiaruian Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) and its concerted parties, Yujiang County Qianjing Enterprise Management Center (Limited Partnership), shareholder Guangdong Zhongda No. 1 Investment Limited Partnership (Limited Partnership), Guangzhou Daan Gene Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Chuangdongfang Fujin Investment Enterprise (Limited Partnership), Qushui Weishi Venture Capital Partnership (Limited Partnership) , Xiamen Yunzi Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership), Ningbo Longxin Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership), Shanghai Xiangheyongyuan Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership), Guangzhou Huangpu Feijun Industrial Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) ), Ningbo Feijun Yuanchuan Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership), Guangzhou Zhiyuan New Star Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership), Guangzhou Development Zone Xingju Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership), Guangzhou Zhongke Yuechuang No. 5 Venture Investment partnership (limited partnership), Liu Xiang, Liu Ya, Jiang Han promised within 12 months since the date of listing of the present shares in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, there will not be no transfers nor entrustment of shares to any third party nor repurchase by the Company. If, within 6 months after the issuer’s listing, the closing price of the shares is lower than issuance price for 20 consecutive trading days or if trading price is lower than issuance price after 6 month from listing, lock-up period will be automatically extended for another 6 months. If there is any case of dividends, bonus shares, capitalization of capital reserve and other similar cases, issue price will be adjusted according to ex-dividend and ex-interests.

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