
Celebrating Navratri

During Navratri, the Nine Nights, the whole of India adores the Mother and worships her with great devotion. Dussehra, Durga Puja and Navratri are one and the same. On the first three nights, Durga, or the destructive aspect of the Mother, is worshipped.

On the succeeding three nights, it is the creative aspectm or Lakshmi, that is adored. And, on the last three nights, the knowledge aspect, or Saraswati, is invoked. The tenth is the Vijay Dashmi day, or the Day of Victory.

There is a special significance in this arrangement. When the Devi is worshipped by a devotee in this order, as Durga, she first destroys the evil propensities that lurk in his mind. Then, as Lakshmi, she implants therein the Daivi Sampat, the divine qualities conducive to spiritual unfoldment. Then, as Saraswati, she bestows true knowledge on him.

The tenth day commemorates the victory of knowledge over nescience, of goodness over evil. It is the day on which boys are put in the school. Aspirants are initiated on this day. On this memorable Vijaya Dashmi day, the carpenter, the tailor, the mason, the artist, the songster, the typist, and all technical workers do Puja for their instruments and implements.

This is Ayudha Puja. They behold and recognise the Shakti, Power, behind these instruments and worship the Devi for their success, prosperity, and peace.


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