
Card payment date fix ends debt and charge fears

She has always kept an eagle eye on her credit card repayments, but a single, older woman didn’t realise that the date when she made them was just as important – and that almost cost her dear.

As cash reserves shrink amid the relentless struggle to cope with cost-of-living pressures, juggling repayment times has become really critical.

A lot risked unravelling for Sandra Jones when she spotted two of her Barclaycard payments go out from her bank account within one month.

This spelled trouble because the pensioner, like many these days, lives close to the edge with little spare cash or room for manoeuvre as she struggles to keep her head above water.

“When I looked at my statement the last two payments were taken in August. The second one had been moved forward. Crucially now I don’t have the funds to make a September payment,” she told Crusader.

“That would mean they could make an additional charge because I would then miss a payment, although this was not my choice. I think there has already been a £14 charge for late payment.”

Sandra contacted the card provider asking if it could refund her so she could then make her September one on time.

“I called twice and was told both times there was no problem and within seven days,” she adds.

“So far it’s not been done and I’m so worried because my failure to pay again could then affect my credit rating.”

Crusader asked Barclaycard if it could see what had happened and why – not least as this could be an issue for other customers that they need to be aware of – no matter what credit card they have.

Barclaycard got cracking, called Sandra, and has sorted it out for her.

A spokesperson said: “We are sorry for the level of service our customer received when trying to arrange the refund of a credit card repayment, after they had accidentally made two repayments during the same billing cycle. We have spoken to the customer to inform them how to avoid this happening again, and have offered £300 to apologise for the stress and inconvenience caused.”

Sandra is hugely relieved and the £300 will really help. Her credit rating has not been affected and in the light of her stretched finances the two are also in touch about any further help that could be available.

[Sandra’s name has been changed]

To avoid payment overlaps, check your billing cycle and ensure there is a safe distance between the date you have arranged for payment to be taken and when your statement is generated. If they are close together, get that amended so you avoid the anxiety of not being able to pay. Also worth noting: refunds of past payments aren’t processed if there is a chance the reversal and any resulting interest would push the customer over their credit limit.

  • If you’ve been affected by this issue or feel you’ve been a victim of injustice, please contact consumer champion Maisha Frost at 


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