
Bullfrog in a small pond

There’s a story of a brave and ‘visionary’ frog in Japanese folklore. Once upon a time, there lived a bullfrog in a lake. He had many friends there and they were all living happily. One day, the bullfrog told his friends that he had decided to try his luck in the bigger lake across the road.

All his friends tried to dissuade him from leaving and began to scare him that if he went there, he would get lost. The bullfrog heard them but was determined to leave the small lake for a more inspiring life in a bigger lake.

He crossed over to the other lake and soon found that the new lake had more insects and sweeter water. Soon, he called all his friends from the old and smaller lake; they joined him and were also happy as they had sufficient sources of food and the new place was bigger.

A great deal of talent is lost in the world for the want of a little courage. There is little to be gained by being a koopmandook, a frog in the well. Yes, it is not easy to leave your comfort zone, and there will be people who will always discourage you from doing so.

But when we do break free and come out of our shell, life has a lot to offer. Until we use our brain and discretion, we can never achieve what we are actually capable of achieving.

A person with petty ambitions leads a petty life, as the Hindi saying goes, ‘Chhote vichaar, chhota vyakti’ – small thoughts, small man. While it is good to have very few desires, it is bad to have low or no ambitions. In a way, life is all about setting a goal for yourself and striving to accomplish it.


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