
Application for the Tech Standards Security Clearance Program – Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources

Before you start

Read the program guidelines to find out if you’re eligible. This program is open to Australian citizens only.

Collect the information you’ll need in your application:

  • your standards development organisation (SDO) and committee membership details
  • a short business case (1-4 sentences) about your role and how it relates to 1 or more of the critical technology fields
  • recent evidence (in the past 6 months) of your participation in the SDO and committee/s. This may be:
    • a welcome letter or email
    • confirmation from the SDO
    • confirmation from the committee leadership (chairperson or facilitator)
    • confirmation of meeting attendance
    • committee communication or meeting invitation
  • (if relevant) your Australian Government security clearance status, including:
    • level and expiry date of your current clearance, or
    • details of your expired clearance.

Please note

A person who holds an Australian Government security clearance has important legal responsibilities. They are subject to laws about disclosing Commonwealth information, and associated penalties. These include sections of the Crimes Act 1914 andthe Criminal Code Act 1995.

Application form

Please complete each section of the application form. You must also read and agree to a declaration advising you of your responsibilities. Check all your answers before you submit your application.


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