
Alien Technology Found On Earth? – Giant Freakin Robot

By Charlene Badasie
| Published

Avi Loeb, a Professor at Harvard University, says he has discovered fragments of alien technology originating from a meteor that fell into the waters near Papua New Guinea in 2014. Loeb detailed the findings in an interview with CBS News. “We found ten spherules. These are almost perfect spheres or metallic marbles,” he said.

“When you look at them through a microscope, they look very distinct from the background,” Loeb added. “They have colors of gold, blue, brown, and some resemble a miniature of the Earth.” He believes these metallic granules could be a part of alien technology used to explore the universe, just like NASA’s Voyager crafts.

Harvard Professor Avi Loeb believes spherical objects found in the ocean are part of an alien civilization’s technology.

After retrieving the materials, Loeb and his research team transported them to Harvard University for further examination. The U.S. Space Command later confirmed with 99.999% certainty that the fragments originated in another solar system.

The government has provided Loeb with a designated radius of approximately 6.2 miles (10 kilometers) within which the object may have landed.

“When you look at them through a microscope, they look very distinct from the background. They have colors of gold, blue, brown, and some resemble a miniature of the Earth.”

-Professor Avi Loeb

“That is where the fireball took place, and the government detected it from the Department of Defense,” Loeb told CBS News of the area where the alleged alien technology was found.

“It’s a very big area the size of Boston, so we wanted to pin it down. We figured the distance based on the time delay between the arrival of the blast wave, the boom of the explosion, and the light that arrived quickly.”

-Professor Avi Loeb

Using these calculations, Loeb and his team successfully mapped a path for the meteor, which coincided with the 6.2-mile range outlined by the U.S. government.

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To investigate further, Loeb and his crew boarded a boat called the Silver Star and made multiple passes along the projected path while researchers combed the ocean floor using a sled equipped with magnets to search for fragments.

Upon conducting a composition analysis of the potential alien technology, it was determined that the spherules consist of 84% iron, 8% silicon, 4% magnesium, and 2% titanium, alongside trace amounts of other elements. These spherules are of sub-millimeter dimensions. In total, the team managed to discover a quantity of 50 such spherules.

According to Loeb, these spherules possess a material strength surpassing that of any previously observed and documented space rocks by NASA.

“We calculated its speed outside the solar system. It was 60 km per second, which is faster than 95% of all stars in the vicinity of the sun,” he said. These remarkable attributes lead to the intriguing possibility that it could have come from alien technology.

meteor insurance
Artist’s rendering of a meteor

Considering that the impact zone of the meteor is approximately equivalent in size to that of Boston, Loeb hopes to revisit the area for further investigations, with the prospect of uncovering some type of alien technology.

“We hope to find a big piece of this object that survived the impact because then we can tell if it’s a rock or technological gadget.”

Professor Avi Loeb

Over the years, Avi Loeb has made several controversial claims about the existence of alien technology. In his book Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth, Loeb proposes that ‘Oumuamua, an enigmatic object that passed by Earth in 2017, might have been artificially created by a distant alien civilization.

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However, many scientists are skeptical, maintaining that ‘Oumuamua is likely a natural celestial body. Loeb further contends that extraterrestrial beings have visited Earth and presents evidence to substantiate this audacious claim.

He urges the scientific community to take the search for extraterrestrial life seriously and embrace the extraordinary potential of entities like ‘Oumuamua.

However, many scientists dispute his claims due to the lack of evidence and the divergence from mainstream scientific thought. Nonetheless, Loeb remains steadfast in his determination to uncover further evidence of alien life and advanced technology.


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