
Actors good meditators

Actors can be meditators very easily, because they are always acting somebody else’s role, so they can witness that it is not their identity. They may become Jesus Christ in a film, but they know they are not Jesus Christ. So, to recognise that their performance is not their being, is easy.

To me, acting is one of the best professions for meditators because it will teach you that your identity can change every day. An actor is moving from one film to another. In one film he is one thing, in another film, he is something else, in a third film, he is somebody else. So, slowly, he can become aware – that identities come and go. Finally, he can recognise that his own personality is nothing but an act taught by his parents, and the priests, and the politicians, and the professors.

All these people create a certain personality around you that is not your real being; it is just for convenience’s sake. They are creating a social being out of a spiritual being. A social being is an ordinary thing. Your spiritual being is vast and immense….

A meditator does his work even more efficiently than others; meditation breaks your connection with the world deep inside you, not on the outside. On the outside, the show goes on as always, but now it becomes just a play.

Abridged from Zen Manifesto and Bliss; Courtesy: Osho Times International; www.osho.com


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