
ACC opens new Better Research Better Results Data Lab –

The Air Combat Command Directorate of Intelligence opened a new data lab, called the Better Research Better Results or BRBR Shop, July 20, 2023.

The renovated building pays tribute to the previously housed barber shop, which now aims to enhance collaboration efforts both virtually and in-person with cutting edge information technology systems.

“When we first discovered the space it was headquarters storage, and we looked inside and saw the potential inside for possible use as an unclass space,” said Cristina Stone, ACC Intelligence Data and Technology Futures technical advisor. “It is intended to solve a problem. That problem being we needed to access the internet in order to leverage the open-source code and tools that help us to jump start our projects.”

The data lab provides its occupants with state of the art equipment and network infrastructure with an aim to provide data engineering, expertise, security support, software development and assistance, and produce force multiplying outcomes for local and global intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance specialists.

“This is a unique facility and unique organization within Air Force ISR,” said Scott Vickery, ACC Intelligence Data and Technology Futures division chief. “There is no other capability within our Air Force ISR enterprise that focuses this type of technical capabilities and technical power towards solving Airmen’s problems.”


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