
5 Common Video Production Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

5 Common Video Production Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Video marketing is not a new concept, but the landscape is ever-growing with more and more content appearing each day. As a medium, video is the most favoured format across social media, there’s no getting away from that. Video generates more shares than text and image combined.

With so much content out there you might be tempted to think that it is as simple as pointing your phone and pressing record. And in some cases it is. But if you want to deliver quality video content that promotes brand awareness, converts leads into sales, and reaches your target audience, then you need to be aware of a few important points. Here are some common mistakes and how to avoid them.

1. You Didn’t Plan

Your company video will boost the perception of your business and raise brand awareness. You want it to be memorable – for all the right reasons – and have it appear effortless. So, you need to put in a lot of effort behind the scenes!

Start with a creative vision and take your team through every stage. You might storyboard your concept, or produce a ‘shot list’ to ensure no shots get missed during filming. Prep your lighting, filming and audio equipment well in advance and on the day. Check your recorded light and sound levels as you film, to avoid any unpleasant surprises as you watch your footage back.

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2. It’s Too Long

How long should your video be? The answer to that question depends on the aim of your project. As a vital part of your planning stage, you should get a clear idea of what your message is, and who the audience is… For example, showcasing a new product, will have a very different feel to a training video for new staff, or a company overview for potential shareholders.


  • Who is your audience?
  • What is their existing understanding of the subject matter?
  • ‘Call to action’ – this is the action you want your audience to do at the end of the video. (buy the product, click through to your website, book a discovery call, invest in the company etc.) Your video should clearly walk the viewer through the process you want them to take.

Research by Microsoft showed that an audience will only stay initially engaged for around 8 seconds… so that’s how long you have to capture their attention in order to keep them watching.

If your video is a promotional one, between 30 and 60 seconds is about right. It’s tried and tested in TV advertising, so this translates well to online video content.

Editing is another vital element to ensure your video isn’t too long, and doesn’t feel like it drags. But pay particular attention to framing and continuity here to keep a cohesive feel, and avoid clunky, amateur-ish transitions.

3. Trying to Cover Too Much

Trying to fit all your ideas into one video is an easy mistake to make. When you’re passionate about your business, or products, you might be bubbling over with wanting to tell everyone ALL THE THINGS. But this can result in a confusing, incoherent video that strays from desired outcomes.

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The same goes for trying to maximise the cost of making your video by cramming as much as possible into one video. This might feel cost-effective, but the result will be an overly long, overwhelming video that lacks direction and focus. Long term, this might not have the benefits you hoped.

4. You Haven’t Decided on Your Platform

Consider how widely this video may be shared, and with whom. Your choice of platform may impact your creative choices. A video that demonstrates products on your website may need to be broken down into Instagram stories or highlights.

Whilst a high-quality video might be able to be broken down and shared across social media in impactful ways, the reverse isn’t always true. Whilst a simple reel might go over well on Instagram, it’s not going to have the same impact on potential investors or shareholders. So, decide on your platform early.

5. You don’t have Experience

If this is seeming like a daunting process, then why not consider using an external video production agency. Your video will represent a large amount of your time, energy and investment. So, choose a team that understands your vision and your company, who can talk through your ideas with confidence and guide you towards an end result that you love.

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